Friday, July 29, 2005

Some thought on the show 'The Island"

Its been a long time since i update my blog regularly, so since i'm a little bit more free, i shall pen down some of my thoughts.

Watch "The Island" ytd with dear, for those who havent catch it, i shall try to summarize the whole show.
Basically it talks about Human clones. Clones whose only purpose is to provide "spare parts" for their original human counterparts (Sponsor). All clones lives in a place where strict regime have to be followed. They are told, "brain-wash" that they are saves from death, they are brought over to where they are staying to aviod containmination of the Planet Earth. By staying at where they are staying and by following what they have been instructed and follow their strict regime, they will not be containminated. Any containmination will lead to quarantine. All clones have the mentality of a small kid and would be taught intelluctually up to the age of 15 years old. They have one purpose of living in that place, and that one purpose is to go to "The Island" - reportedly the last uncontaminated spot on Planet Earth through a "fair" lottery system every day/week.
All clones believes their main purpose of existence is to hope they can strike the lottery so as to go to the dream Island-last uncontaminated spot on Planet Earth. Only one clone name Lincoln Six-Echo soon discovers that everything about this whole experience is a lie.

I'm pretty disturb by the whole plot of the story here. Maybe i think too much, isnt this exactly what we are exactly craving for, ok maybe for most people out there. That is almost all of us would want to go to Heaven when we die. Most of us were hoping to strike "lottery" to go to heaven. Most resort to believe in Jesus Christ, because many claims or should i say he himself claim he's the only path to god, to heaven. Wait a min, before i carry on any further here, i would like to make a stand that I'm not trying to critize christianity or any other religion.

I always believe that a religion are there because it preaches good things, asking us to do the right thing and not the wrong thing. Buddhist religion came from Buddha, and almost all religion were pass down by a person. Even christianity were pass down by Jesus Christ. Have anyone wonder all religion preach the same thing and from a person pt of view????

Most christian believe the only way to god, to heaven is through Jesus, because he died for our sins. Most christian believes blindly to the religion and most of them condem other religion. They always think that they are the only real one and they are superior against all other religion.

Please i'm not going into details of things like does anyone knows exactly how old is earth, i believe planet earth is thousand or even million years old before the birth of dinosaurs era, and to think that we human races are million years after them. Then where is the existence of god!? I'm not saying there is no god, but i'm curious, and i question whethere does god reallie exist, and whether the so called heaven and hell does really exist? and question why are there so many blind faith christian. Whatever reasons they(christian) come out, they would always state because the bible say this, because the bible say that.

What makes them so sure that whatever the bible say is the truth? and let me pose this question, who created language? why do we call cat a cat, and why cant we call cat a dog or some other names. i hope at this junction, you readers are still with me. I seriously wonder what make christian soooo sure that whatever the bible says is the truth. Most christian wasnt around when the bible was wrote. Like we wasnt around when language was first created. Does speaking different languages means we are different? does speaking english make you more superior that if you speak chinese or other language? The answer is we are still human beings even though we speaks different language, we are still not superior than anyone if we speaks different language. So, why are some of those christian belives that their religion is the best and superior than any other religion?

I believe almost all religion says that if we do good things we would be granted a passage to heaven. The main purpose of living is to do good things and then we will go to heaven. Isnt this what the whole movie "the island" is trying to say? We are trying to be as clean as possible "not containminated" so that we can win lottery to go heaven (a paradise) - "the island" (last wonderful place on earth). Those never do good things are containminated and will be quarantine --> (go to hell instead of heaven)

Most christian are brain-wash by the fact of the bible and most christian believes they are the superior than any other religion. They believes that they are not contaminated and they would therefore stand a chance of going to heaven by believing in christianity. All believer of other religions are contaminated in the sense, and would therefore be quarantine or in another words not be allow to go to heaven. They will have to believe in christianity (decontaminated themselves) so as to have a chance of strike lottery (go heaven).

To those blind faith christian, pls dont blindly believe in your faith and keep insisting your religion is the most superior and the only way to god/heaven. Please give respect to other religion where they also preach us human beings to do good things.

Basically i believe all religions give us a piece of mind, and teaches us to do good things.

If everybody go to heaven, then where is heaven? and wouldnt heaven be overcrowded?
If like what most christianity people always say if u believe in jesus and if we pray for you under jesus then you can actually go to heaven. My question is please pray to those dead ants, mosquitoes, crockroaches, etc so that they too will then be able to go to heaven, they are afterall living things too.

I'm not trying to ridicule christianity, but i hope most christian could respect other religion.

well, I hate to believe that when we die, we will leave this world forever, leaving this world for good, leaving behind all those wonderful things that we have work so hard to achieve during our stay in earth. I'm scared at the thought of death. I think there are too many things to do and so little time left. But please do realise that we are no different to ants, mosquitoes, animals, birds, trees, because you have to understand that we are all part of the Nature in this Planet Earth.

Well i believe i'm having a intellectual of fifteen years in terms of understanding Planet Earth, and maybe, just maybe, the curiosity of this whole issue in Planet earth making me act like Lincoln Six-Echo.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

word for thought

Its been a real long time since i last update. I guess to my readers it's pretty unfair that whenever you guys come in, you will go off feeling bored as there are no new entry. Apologies for that.

Anyway have been real busy, so much things to do, feeling so bad that i havent reallie have time for my dearie as well, and i thank her for her understanding. Anyway since its lunch time now, i think i should type something. It's just something that i realise today and have been a culprit of many times.

Word for thought.

Meaning of "Gift"
-Something that is bestowed voluntarily and without compensation.
-The act, right, or power of giving.
-A talent, endowment, aptitude, or inclination.

If gifts are given free, then why are we still hearing people says "free gifts"
"come and collect your free gifts"?????

Something to let you ponder for the day. =)

Sunday, July 10, 2005

What a relaxing sunday today! *Smilez =)

It just bring back memories of me being able to laze around at home and do whatever i wanna do and not feeling so uptight abt time. Well, its always good to keep some time to myself. I think everybody need that extra time for their own personal space. I finally able to go back to my "cave" and i feel so much relax right now and i'm all ready to go to work tml. =)

Alot of things happen recently. Guess i shall try to summarise everything.
My parents are back! Yup. They had a tiring but enjoyable trip. Guess being singaporean, our defination of holiday are pretty different from the ang mo. For us singaporean or should i say asian, when we go for holiday, we tend to tired ourselves by going ard shopping for good stuffs, rushing here and there to visit famous places. At the end of the whole trip, we would feel more tired than relax and we had to take an extra day as a result just so we can relax and recharge for work.

For the ang mo, most of them would actually sit by the pool side or some places to relax. Pick up a book to read while sun-tanning, that's basically their basic agenda during holiday. You seldom see or should i say will never see an asian siting by a pool side reading a book during his/her holiday. That's prolly why ang mo feel more recharge whenever they went for a holiday while we asian feel even more tired after every holiday. =p

Anyway my dad bought alot of stuffs back, from souvernirs to some very interesting things from China. He also bought beijing roasted duck back!!! hahaha... Anyway i receive a advance birthday gift from him. A mont blanc briefcase. Ohhh ... i love it so much... it so nice! It so nice till i cant bare to use it.

Mont Blanc Briefcase Posted by Picasa

Well.. the second day after my parents came back, my dad suddendly become very sick. It reallie scare the shit out of me. I cant remember when was the last time i see him so sick before. It make me ponder on alot alot of things. My creative mind become to think of alot of negative scenerios, i'm not a pessimistic person but i'm just so worried abt everything related to my family. To think when i reach home, he was alright and then all of a sudden, he suddendly become so sick. Luckily it was nothing fatal, can you imagine if something happen, i think i can just break down.

I read and hear alot of this kind of cases where family members just pass away all of a sudden, and their immediate family was so shock to do anything/react. What i feel upon hearing all this cases was feeling sad for them and that's abt it. But when i face with such a close situation tt day, i was totally dumbfounded, i keep praying that my dad would recover. I would definately break down, i'm just not prepared to handle all the pressure, all the responsibility if anything happen to my dad. Luckily for me, my dad is fine. I'm so thankful he recovered. In that instance, i also realise that life is so so so so fragile. You can never forsee what's gonna happen in that next minute.

Let's not think abt this matter for the time being. I'm not prepared and i guess i'm never prepared. I love my family, my parents so much, i cant make myself think of the day they gonna leave me. i'm a coward regarding this. i'm just so very afraid..........

i think i better move away from this topic before i couldnt control myself.

Anyway let's saviour whatever positive moments in our life. Life just too short.
Well dear bought a guess watch for me. The watch that i have been eyeing at every since last year. Dont know what sparks her to buy that watch for me despite not earning. Its like almost her one month allowance.

Guess watch Posted by Picasa

Hmm... guess that's the power of love bah... hahahaha...... Anyway i love the watch and i love her even more. Though i think it's pretty silly for her to spend so much money, and she gonna lead a frugal life after that but i reallie touched and appreciate by her effort.

She has been a great gf, not because she bought that expensive watch for me, but for all the things that she has done over the months. She has been very caring, understanding, enduring all these months. I guess i'm so blessed to have her around. I dont know what i did to deserve such a wonderful person, but i thank god that she's mine. =)
Aint know exactly what our future lies, but i hope i'm able to walk this journey together with her for a long long time. =)

Us Posted by Picasa

*All photos are taken by courtesy of my SE k750i