Friday, February 24, 2006

A long break from blogging.....

Its nice to pen some thoughts in my public diary again. Its been one long time since i last write anything.

Plenty of thoughts but not enough time. Ok, excuses some might say, but well its reallie not easy to sit for an hour to pen down any long journals of my thoughts or whats happening in my life.

I guess those who use to read my blog might have migrated or given up hopes of me blogging again and to me, i think that's great. Dont want my blog to be so public anyway. (read by ppl that i have no associates or detest)

Recently so many blog owner got criticise, got themselves in trouble because of their own blog entires, and i think that just not the way things should be.

Nonetheless will update my recent trips and some pics too.

So stay tuned to Selfestem
